Ahhh, Spring is in the air…
It's a new season, and Spring has sprung. The renewing of many things, a fresh start, new choices, new opportunities, and a new outlook!
I have repeatedly found in my walk through this life that I have choices each day, and sometimes, the smallest thoughts have the largest meaning and impact. Let me give you an example of a thought I recently had and acted on.
I was driving to an appointment last week and was traveling on a road that a friend I know used to live on. As I passed her house, I was saddened. The house looked great! All the projects looked to be completed, the arena was up, and the shutters were on the house. It looked happy and peaceful there. But she no longer lived there, and I saw someone else had finished all her dreams for that property.
While, on the one hand, I was so pleased to see it looking to be finished and flourishing in fullness, I somewhat knew the other side of the story as to how it got completed.
My heart just hurt as I thought about her and all that she had gone through, knowing that what she currently was going through was much harder than having to sell a home and a dream. She has a young teenage daughter who suffered a stroke from a rare condition. They are currently fighting for her life, praying for her fullness to return to her body.
As I thought about it and prayed for her that day, I felt I needed to reach out to her and tell her something I'd been feeling down deep. This took a lot for me as sometimes we just want to stay high-level with people, but a lot of times, the truth is, life is messy, and we all have our own problems. But discernment was weighing on me with this, and sometimes, we're asked to do tough things and have conversations we may not want to have.
I reached out by sending her a text message about how I felt we needed to pray differently for her life and situation. I was so amazed when I received her message back, which was confirmation for both her and myself. Had I not listened to that still, small voice talking to me and telling me to pray and encourage in a different way, neither she nor I would have been blessed with how that conversation ended. She and her daughter have a very long journey ahead of them, But I am 100% certain God will be with them each step of the way.
You have a story, you have a purpose, and no one will know it if you never share it. What a tragedy if you never share your talents and gifts with others… Whether it's a single word of encouragement, starting a new business, volunteering, or something else, you are here for a purpose; don't waste it.
Today, I encourage you to get quiet and ask yourself if you're doing what you're supposed to do. Are you where you're supposed to be? Do you say what needs to be said?
We have opportunities all around us in the midst of the madness. It's in some of our hardest battles that we are able to rise up and become who we are called to be. So, I challenge you to do it, figure it out, and go for it!
Many Blessings, Kris.