The Truth Is This...

The Truth Is This...

It's September. The seasons are changing, and so are most of our routines. If I still lived in Minnesota, we would be hustling to complete our outdoor projects before the days grow shorter and the snow flies. However, that's not the case anymore. Living in Texas has changed many things in many ways.

Last month, I was very honest about a vision I had and about carrying too much burden. This month, I want to talk aboutGod's truth for my life and your life. Shortly after writing that blog and truly examining myself and my life, I felt as though I was in a place that can only be described as 'surrendering.'

I'm sure you've guessed by now that being the leader of this company would likely require someone with strength and courage. It also requires additional levels of leadership to take on the many battles daily business throws at them, and sometimes, the path changes and the map must be redrawn. With all of that going on and how closely our lives are intertwined, the last thing you want for your team is a weakened leader. So, during this time of examination and surrendering, my surrender was on a personal level. 

See, we have quite a few horses and while the main purpose in having them is to help with research and development, some are also performance athletes. Helping them achieve what they're capable of takes time and resources. We've been blessed to enjoy raising some really nice colts and seeing them achieve what they were created to do is definitely a dream I hold dear. 

At the beginning of August, I was overwhelmed with all of my to-do's and don'ts along with the Texas heat and feeling like I was falling short in many areas. I had to make some hard decisions in business. When August hit, I was at a point where I truly said, "God, take it, take it all if you want it, but I'm tired, I'm tired of making decisions, tired of hurt horses, tired of trying to do the job of many and not having the time to enjoy much of anything." I'm sure so many of you can relate to this... Truly, where I sensed a shift must be made (or I was soon going to crack) was at home with my horses. 

So, I had a big conversation with my Heavenly Father. I talked to him about whether I had heard him wrong in the beginning of all this and why didn't get some "warning signs" before I hit the road running with these ideas. I know I heard Him back in those days. I've seen Him do crazy things to make me believe and pursue these wild dreams.

Throughout that conversation with God, I put all my horses on the altar, yes, even my favorite ones. I was willing to sell or do whatever he asked me to do. But throughout that conversation in prayer, I can say I just didn't "feel" like I heard him say to sell or do anything! Honestly this made it all worse! I was left to my own mind and second guessing what I had felt or thought previously. 

At times, my mind can look like a hamster wheel, out of control, trying to get things done or figure things out. Yes, I know many more of you share this problem. When will we ever learn that we don't get anywhere running in circles? 

A short time later, a friend of mine came to visit, and throughout that visit, many conversations were had, one of which I believe will be life-changing for many. While I cannot share the conversation quite yet, I am here as living proof to tell you this... When you go before God and put your dreams and life on the altar, so to speak, be ready because The Truth Is This... He can change everything in the blink of an eye! And I mean everything! While I cannot tell you what is playing out right now, I can say this: He is in every detail; he sets things up years before they come to fruition.

At the given times and as long as we are obedient, He can use us as His hands and feet. The vision he has given me is truly one of Hope and a Future. He has shown me places I never would have dreamed of and has even given me a path on how to get there. That's not to say it won't change; have bumps in the road or boulders to climb over, but seriously, none of this was known to me last month!  

Basically, in the blink of an eye, he showed up in ways even a dreamer, such as me, hadn't thought of. I mean, how could the creation ever know more than The Creator... He showed me how it could all work, and God willing, I will see this vision and dream come to pass in my lifetime. 

So, if you are struggling right now, trying to find a reason to keep going and keep climbing the mountains of life, both in your life and/or business. Stick with it!  

But… Surrender, tell God to take it! He can have it all, Yes... Trust Him.. All of it!

He is so much better at coming up with a game plan. His visions for us are so much greater than we could ever come up with on our own. He seriously is the coolest Dad in the world and wants what's best for us! 

Remember, sometimes hard work, hard times, and hard trials are what's best… They make us stronger and more resilient for whatever comes at us in the next chapter. 

Keep going, friends. God's got this. Be obedient to what He is asking you to put on the altar. Be willing to surrender what He asks from you; go wherever He is telling you to go & do whatever He is telling you to do...

Trust me...

The Truth Is...

God has a plan & God has a purpose. 

Now go find yours!

Many Blessings,
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