I was on a plane recently, and I’m sure everyone reading this knows the drill when receiving the flight instructions. However, do you realize why you put on your oxygen mask first and then help whoever needs it nearby? Well, yes, it should be common sense... If you don’t put that mask on first, you’ll run out of air trying to help all those around you.
But how often are you doing this in your own life? You’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off, saving the world or the day only to get home at God knows what time to then do chores for more little faces that depend on you, then try to fall asleep with your mind racing about all the things you didn’t do or where you made mistakes throughout the day. I get it; I lived it... for years and years and years.
So how do you stop the crazy? How do you get a life that’s not so out of control? Or... are you like I was? I thrived in chaos. I loved to put out fires and save the day. I felt needed and important! While those things are true, I was also exhausted and suffering inside. I was not practicing what I preach or spending enough time with God. I was not eating right or exercising. At times, I would do these things, but never consistently. I was in survival mode… But man, let me tell you, I truly am a good one to have on your survival team!
Yes, that is all true... But at what cost? Because there is always a cost to everything. And in my case (I’m about to be brutally honest), we were trying to save a business. This business, Hay Chix. And saving a business kicked me and my leadership team’s butt from one side of the United States to the other, literally! For us, we knew the mission, we had counted the cost, and we were invested! We cared so much about all the other people who depended on us to make the right decisions that we knew it was a battle worth fighting.
Flash forward through the thick of restarting a 12-year-old business from scratch & not trying to lose your customers over it & We did it! Well, that’s not the truth; He did it! That valley was so deep, the thorns were so sharp, and sleepless nights are an understatement. It truly was one of the hardest things we have ever done. Maybe you weren’t chosen to run a business and move it across the country, all while wearing the many other hats we do on a daily basis. But you were chosen to do your calling! No matter what it is, life can be stressful at times.
Heck, this world is currently putting more stress than ever on people! So how do we do it? How do we make the necessary changes to get closer to the best versions of who God called us to be? For me, it was hitting the pause button. At some point, we must stop, put on an oxygen mask, take a few breaths, and look around at our surroundings...
Where are we? Where are you? How did you get there? Truly pause, evaluate this, and then ask, “Is this where I want to be? Is this where He wants me to be?” Wait...Then pause again! Seriously, how often do we just keep going on autopilot without even knowing where we are headed or why? I get it; sometimes, the thing to do is just keep going. Those are real seasons, and I also know sometimes, if we stop, we might not restart. But if you are done battling, done trying to do it on your own... Then JUST STOP & take a few more breaths of FRESH AIR.
One thing we do when we are stuck, trying to figure out which direction to go, is make lists. It’s always easier to think about what you don’t want to happen or what you are constantly worrying about. Start by making a list of which one side of your paper has all your worries– all of the things you don’t want to happen. Then, on the opposite side of that paper, write down what the opposite is of your negative thought. For instance, if you say, “I don’t want to be tired anymore,” the opposite would be, “I will be well rested.”
Start paying attention to your thoughts. How do you say things to yourself, your husband or wife, your horse? How do you speak over your life? We all need to hit the pause button and reset from time to time; some need it daily. I’m currently one of them! The Bible verse, “Be Still and Know that I am God,” has finally settled in me. In this season, I am letting my guard down. I am giving over. I am trusting him enough to pause and know if we are supposed to be here, He will make a way!
If you need a little help with that list, we have a simple worksheet to help you get started down a smoother road. We hope you find this tool useful as you try to hit your pause button and figure out which direction to go. Because here’s the deal: You truly do need to take care of yourself, and only You & God know what that looks like. So take a breath. At the end of the day, He’s got this!
We also know there are some problems that there are no answers for, no explanations, and no reasons we can find on this side of Heaven. For those types of situations, I pray you go to God, and though you may never get the answers you want, know that he hears your heart and knows every tear you’ve cried.
This world is not an easy place to navigate at times, but it can be a whole lot better with the right mindset. Another thing that we’re going to ask you to do with that list (if you choose to make it) is to take that positive side and put it into pictures and words to create a ‘Blessing Board’ with us. This is something we do once a year at Hay Chix. This year, we will be doing this project on February 15. We hope you find this to be a fun activity that helps you look at the positives of life, where you are being led, what you truly want, and where you want to go. Don’t just keep going on autopilot. Get back in the driver’s seat and start heading where you’re supposed to go, but don’t get caught speeding.😉
Also, here is something I love to do. I really don’t know why because I typically can’t remember an artist’s name and haven’t gone to a concert in years 😄, but I feel led to share the songs that get me through the days when it’s not so easy.
This one is called Hold On To Me.
Many Blessings, Kris!