Obedience... We demand it from our dogs and horses, but what about ourselves? How often do we say we are going to do something and fall short? For one reason or another, we don't or can't get it done, whether it's out of our control or not, these little promises we make to ourselves can build us up or tear us down. "Obedience," just hearing this word can send some of us into a fit of not wanting to be controlled, not wanting to submit, and not wanting to comply with whatever we should be obeying.
We must remember that there is also freedom in obedience to the right things.
Take your health, for instance. When you take care of yourself the way you should, by eating healthy and exercising, you feel good. You think more clearly, and you look better. It is the same with your horse; when you have their diets in check along with an exercise program for them, they look and feel their best. But why is it so hard for us to take care of ourselves the correct way? While it would be much easier to buy ourselves a 50-pound bag with everything our bodies need… We aren't horses. We have free will; we can choose right from wrong, healthy, junk, three horses, or 100; the choice is yours... but every choice we make has a consequence. We must be willing to count the cost of our choices. Some are obviously going to have more weight and impact than others. Sometimes, it's actually the little choices that matter the most.
So what are your boundaries or guidelines, "fence lines," so to speak, that keep you safe? How can you put some healthy framework into your life to protect you from hurting yourself or others? How can you stand firm with those boundaries to have the required framework of obedience? We must be willing to put in the work and demand certain things from ourselves if we want to see the fullness of our lives. Like riding our horses, we have expectations and requirements to be able to move to the next step. Whether you're going down the trail, running a pattern, or competing in a pleasure class, obedience keeps us safe and on track to get where we are trying to go. So, where are you feeling out of control? What areas of your life could use a little extra guidance or a new fence line? What areas need a hot wire or maybe a patience pole? Start to demand the same level of obedience from yourself that you would require from your animals, and see where it takes you.
Obedience doesn't have to be a negative term. I have found that the more obedient I am to God and the fence lines around which I build my life, the happier I am. Also, do not forget to build a pasture for some turnout time.
While we all know there is no perfect balance, we can work towards it by setting boundaries, building fences, and sticking to programs that work for you, your family, and your herd.
You are capable of so much in this life, but often, we get distracted with things that don't matter. We get consumed by the thoughts or actions of other people who truly aren't meant to ride down the trail of life with us. Sometimes, you will have the whole posse, and sometimes you will ride alone. It's in the times I've thought I was riding alone that I realized, I was riding with the King...
So get going and start building those fences; your dream property is waiting.