Fields of Dreams

15 years! Yes, for 15 years, we've been doing this. On February 2, we celebrated Hay Chix 15th year in business! I am so proud of our team over the years. There have been many people who have helped us get to this point, so thank you all; we truly appreciate all of our team and all of our customers, who we truly love to serve.
Last September, I wrote about how God can change everything in the blink of an eye. He can give you a vision that is life-changing.

Well, that's just what he did! 

A vision was placed within my heart to sell our ranch and pursue buying a larger piece of land where, I believe, many promises will play out over the next few years and, honestly, the rest of my time here on this side of heaven.
There are so many things that had to happen in order for this to work.

Our property wasn't ready to sell, my family needed to get on board with this idea, it needed to sell for a specific amount, the property we wanted to buy wasn't "all" for sale, the seller would need to allow us to buy more acreage than what was listed (double the acreage,) for this dream to become a reality and there was much more, but you don't want to hear about all of that...
You guys, I am here to tell you that it happened!

It all happened from September to December, during the busiest time of the year for our business; God pulled off a miraculous dream. 

We finished remodeling our ranch and sold it before it ever truly hit the market to a family who will fully utilize it and pursue their dreams & we were able to acquire a beautiful piece of property in the heart of horse country.

While I'm still feeling a little bit of whiplash from that move, I am in absolute awe of what God is allowing us to steward.

I can't give you all the details yet, but in time, His time, this dream will become reality. 
If I could get anything to sink into your mind & heart through what has happened for us, it would be to trust him. Trust God with your plans, trust Him with your desires, trust Him with your goals and your dreams; you're everything!

When I look across these fields, I am blown away by what He can do. I am 100% certain I could never have made this happen on my own. But what these fields represent and what they will do, the opportunities they will create, the lives that will be changed here. My heart is seriously just bursting with joy when I think of what all He can do when we are obedient to His timing and His lead.

So, what is in your field? What dreams are out there looking back at you from that pasture, reminding you of what you said you wanted? Or maybe it's a field you drive by every day that you've always thought you were supposed to be living in…

I challenge you to get out there and walk those fields, get to know what they look like and what you're supposed to do with them. Maybe it's in the horse you said you'd ride, the one you thought would take you places you had never seen. Maybe you're supposed to build something in that field? Maybe if you built it, they truly would come… 
Or maybe it's already built, and you're just letting it waste away…
Whatever your field represents, this is the year to check soil, plant crops, build fences, and start using what you've been given.

Next month, I'll share more about our fields, so stay tuned.
You guys... I promise God has the ability to change everything in the blink of an eye, but you need to look at where He is telling you to go and trust when He tells you the vision. Believe me, this will not be easy, but is anything easy?

Everything worth doing is typically not super easy. Whether it's not physically easy or mentally easy, both can wear on us if we get ahead of His timing. 
However, this is where we grow; this is how new fruit is produced & new crops are grown.

This is where our fields of dreams can truly happen.



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